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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00





大连微笑汉语国际培训学校成立于200611, “让您的汉语像您的微笑一样美丽!永远是我们的办学宗旨。我们努力打造外国朋友在大连工作、生活、沟通的桥梁。在短短的一年半时间里, 迅速地成为大连独具特色的对外汉语培训服务性机构。




1. 从去年到今年的HSK考试中,经过微笑汉语HSK培训并参加考试的的学员*200多名,均通过HSK等级考试,其中80%达到中、高级水平。


2. 时,微笑汉语已与英特尔,施奈莱克,DELL,三菱银行,THK,大众一汽等多家外企合作,其中*500强有三家,为其提供汉语团训服务,所有企业均对老师做以好评,培训效果非常好,被指定外籍员工汉语培训基地!


3. 0607080910年度我校与多家旅行社合作,举办游学活动,经验丰富;同时已多次成功举办外国朋友夏令营及冬令营活动,受到广泛好评!


4. 我校是2008年大连*一所获得*十大*汉语培训机构的学校。



Brief Introduction


Dalian Smile Chinese International Training School was founded in November, 2006, with the goal “Making your Chinese as beautiful as your smile!” We try our best to build a communicating bridge for foreign friends working and living in Dalian. The school has become an excellent international Chinese training organization during the past years. We have 60 teachers who are all outstanding. And we have four training departments: English, Japanese, Russian, and Korean namely. 5 teaching periods and more than 20 Chinese courses are provided to different kinds of learners, which is really effective and practical. At the same time we also invite experts to give our learners classes about Chinese Culture Appreciation, so that the learners are able to enjoy the charm of Chinese language and culture.




u        In the HSK exams, more than 200 learners have been trained in our school and passed the exams, among whom 60% have reached intermediate or high levels from last year to this year.

u        At the same time, Smile Chinese has cooperated with Intel, Dalian KWD Innovation Automotive Parts Limited Liability Company, DELL, Mitsubishi Bank THK and so on. Among them three companies are the top 500 companies in the world. We offered them Chinese training and got praise from them. And now we are the appointed Chinese training base for their foreigner employee.

u        During the year of 2006 to 2010 Smile Chinese cooperated with many travel agencies and held study tours, at the same time we held summer camp and winter camp for foreign friends and we are widely approved.

u        Smile Chinese School is the only one that got the title of “2008 Top 10 Chinese Language Training Schools” in Dalian.

